Brain Wash | Any body Can Be Brain Washed - You Can be Brainwashed

Brain Wash | Any body Can Be Brain Washed - You Can be Brainwashed: brain that works after being washed
Yup you read the way it`s, The letter is not miss type - Any body Can be Brain washed, You can be brain washed, I can be brain washed, they can be brain washed...

according to wiktionary Brainwashed may refer to BrainWashing -> the application of coercive techniques to change the values and beliefs, perceptions and judgments, and subsequent mindsets and behaviors of one or more people, usually for political, financial, personal, or religious purposes.

So brainwashed is the result or a success that came as a result of brain washing technique application.

While Brain washing is another terms or the same as Mind controlling, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated". The term has been applied to any tactic, psychological or otherwise, which can be seen as subverting an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making.
Posted by Sumber Cara Wanita
Theories of brainwashing and of mind control were originally developed to explain how totalitarian regimes appeared to succeed in systematically indoctrinating prisoners of war through propaganda and torture techniques. These theories were later expanded and modified, by psychologists including Margaret Singer, to explain a wider range of phenomena, especially conversions to new religious movements (NRMs). A third-generation theory proposed by Ben Zablocki focused on the utilization of mind control to retain members of NRMs and cults to convert them to a new religion. The suggestion that NRMs use mind control techniques has resulted in scientific and legal controversy.

Soo any body can be brain washed, You can be brain washed they can brain washed I can be brain washed.... take care, Dude...

Sumber cara | Brain Wash | Any body Can Be Brain Washed
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